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Microsoft Excel for Scientists and Engineers Coupon
Office Productivity

[70% Off] Microsoft Excel for Scientists and Engineers Course Coupon

Updated: by ghatfanmerie

Charting, Functions, Regression, Iterative Solutions, Matrix Operations, VBA, Numerical Integration, Differential Eq.

3.0 hr
15$ 49.99$
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This course uses Microsoft Excel 2016. It is intended for people in the fields of science and engineering.

It is designed to show you how to get your results in the best efficient way possible. Each exercise aim is to get you up and running with an excel feature.

Lots of topics including:

1- Charting: Create an XY scatter graph, XY chart with two Y-Axes, add error bars to your plot, create a combination chart

2- Functions: Computing Sum, Average, Count, Max and Min, Computing Weighted Average, Trigonometric Functions, Exponential Functions, Using The CONVERT Function to Convert Units

3- Conditional Functions: Logical Expressions, Boolean Functions, IF Function, Creating a Quadratic Equation Solver, Table VLOOKUP Function, AND, OR and XOR functions.

4- Regression Analysis: Trendline, Slope and Intercept, Interpolation and Forecast, The LINEST Function, Multilinear Regression, Polynomial Fit Functions, Residuals Plot, Slope and Tangent, Analysis ToolPack.

5- Iterative Solutions Using Excel: Using Goal Seek in Excel, Using The Solver To Find Roots, Finding Multiple Roots, Optimization Using The Solver, Minimization Analysis, NonLinear Regression Analysis.

6- Matrix Operations Using Excel: Adding Two Matrices, Multiplying a Matrix by a Scalar, Multiplying Two Matrices, Transposing a Matrix, Inverting a Matrix and Solving System of Linear Equations.

7- VBA User-Defined Functions (UDF): The Visual Basic Editor (VBE), The IF Structure, The Select Case Structure, The For Next Structure, The Do Loop Structure, Declaring Variables and Data Types, An Array Function The Excel Object Model, For Each Next Structure.

8- VBA Subroutines or Macros: Recording a Macro, Coding a Macro Finding Roots by Bisection, Using Arrays, Adding a Control and Creating User Forms.

9- Numerical Integration Using Excel: The Rectangle Rule, The Trapezoid Rule, The Simpson's Rule, Creating a User-Defined Function Using the Simpson's Rule.

10- Differential Equations: Euler's Method, Modified Euler's Method, The Runge Kutta Method, Solving a Second Order Differential Equation.

Enjoy and happy learning

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